Learn Android Mobile Hacking in Hindi free Video No 4


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Java 8 is a framework. java8 installation is essential if you are into Android hacking, as many of the tools and techniques used in Android hacking depend on Java 8. For example, the apktool tool, which is used to decompile Android apps, only supports Java 8. Additionally, security vulnerabilities found in many Android apps are related to Java 8 features. Therefore, if you want to be able to exploit these vulnerabilities, you will need to have Java 8 installed.

Here are some specific reasons why Java 8 is used in Android hacking:

Apktool: Apktool is a tool used to decompile Android apps. It only supports Java 8, so you’ll need to install Java 8 if you want to use APKTools.
Jadx: Jadx is a tool used to decompile Android apps and convert them into Java source code. It supports Java 8, so if you want to use jadx, you need to install Java 8.
Smali: Smali is a language used to write Android apps in Java bytecode. It is a human-readable form of Java bytecode, so it can be used to understand how Android apps work. Java 8 is supported by Smally, so if you want to use Smally, you need to have Java 8 installed.
Security Vulnerabilities: Many of the security vulnerabilities found in Android apps are related to Java 8 features. For example, the ProGuard tool, which is used to obfuscate Android apps, can be used to remove Java 8 features from an app. This can make it more difficult to exploit security vulnerabilities in the app.
So, if you want to be able to hack Android effectively, you need to have Java 8 installed. java 8 links are given below.

Here are two links for Java 8 installation, any one of them can be downloaded from the link
the ink of Java 8


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